
Using the Same Password for Everything

Using the same password for every is a common mistake, and one that hackers love! Hackers who compromise your computer system will use passwords stolen on different sites and hope hey strike gold.

Things to avoid

  1. Avoid reusing passwords. Advantage easy to remember. Disadvantage easy to hack.
  2. Avoid familiar things like names and birthdays.
  3. Do use character substitution instead of clear text. HappyDay becomes H@ppyD@y or PurpleMonkey Becomes Purpl3M0nk3y.
  4. Use a password tracking and creation tool such as Keypass or Dashlane.

For more information stop by and see us.

Avoid Bad Computing Habits

Here are some tips for bad habits to avoid when using a computer. They are but no means all the things that should be avoided but hey are a good start. In future posts we will provide more information.

  • Using the Same Password for Everything.
  • Ignoring Software Updates.
  • Downloading Free Software.
  • Not Using Two-Factor Authentication.
  • No Lock Screen Protection.
  • No Computer Password.
  • No Anti-Virus/Anti Malware.
  • Uploading Files to the Cloud with No Precautions.
  • Open and/or Clicking Links in E-mail.
  • Downloading E-Mail Attachments
  • Using Sites Beginning with HTTP://.
  • Checking Anything Personal/Private on Public Wi-Fi.
  • Clicking on Virus Warning Pop-Ups.
  • Using Simple/Sequential Passwords
  • Downloading Files from Unknown Sites.
  • Weak Wi-Fi passwords.

You Can Never Be To Careful With You’re Personal Security!

  • Agreeing to all Terms on Software Installation.
  • Dissmissing privacy Concerns.
  • Using a Cell Phone as a Secure Device.
  • Not using a VPN while on Public Wi-Fi.

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